Innovation & Technology

Why does investment in IT generate competitive advantage?

Agility and efficiency. These are two characteristics that modern companies need to have in order to be competitive in the market. And investment in IT is increasingly essential for businesses, even if technology is not the initial focus of the business. In addition to remodeling processes and strengthening brands, information technology drives business strategies and planning. A …

How does technological innovation help overcome the crisis in companies?

Technological developments in recent years have become part of the routine of many companies. From small actions to complete automation, technology plays an important role in achieving consistent and long-lasting results. However, technology also serves companies during times of crisis. With falling sales, reduced credit and rising costs, taking the right measures is crucial for …

Alternative data as a source of analytical enrichment for companies

We are living in the information era where data becomes available every minute from various angles and in every form. However, for most companies, an opportunity to produce more accurate information or predict patterns is in such strategic use. This is where alternative data comes into play. Unlike traditional data (such as sales history and …

Types of variables in analytical intelligence and data modeling: learn how it works

There’s no denying it: beginners who have just entered the business world may find most of the topics in the field a bit confusing, such as the various types of variables — which is completely understandable. Some topics are easier than they seem, and over time, you’ll master them. Variables are information or characteristics that you …

Data-Driven Decision Making in Business Routine: Concept, Operation and More

Making tactical decisions has never been more crucial for companies seeking to grow. However, intuitive and experience-based decisions can suffocate possibilities and lead to uncertainty. It is in this regard that the idea of Data-Driven Decision Making has come to represent a practical and accessible solution for businesses of all sizes. But what does it mean to be …

Deep Learning: what it is, where it is used and what impacts it has on your business

Deep learning is a machine learning method based on artificial neural networks that attempt to simulate the functioning of the human brain , unlike traditional Machine Learning algorithms , which require engineers to program the characteristics or variables of a problem. This characteristic process of Machine Learning is known as feature engineering, while the deep learning model is called representational …